
What Is CoolSculpting?
The CoolSculpting procedure is the world's
#1 non-invasive fat-reduction procedure.*

It's an innovative way to contour your body by freezing unwanted fat away with no surgery or downtime. With more than 5 million CoolSculpting treatments performed worldwide, people everywhere are getting a better view of themselves, thanks to the one-of-a-kind CoolSculpting procedure.


From Popsicles to Cryolipolysis® to CoolSculpting

Years ago, scientists at Harvard University observed that some children who ate popsicles got dimples in their cheeks. The scientists—Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD—realized that the popsicles were freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells. The idea that cold can target fat cells—without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue—was the insight behind Cryolipolysis®, the proven science on which the CoolSculpting procedure is based.

What to expect

Each treatment area will take 35 minutes per side of your body. You will have access to a TV and the guest WIFI to add to the comfort of your experience.

The procedure itself will freeze the treatment area and after 5 minutes will become numb.

After the treatment is done there is a 2 minute massage that some find slightly uncomfortable or even ticklish.

A day to a week after treatment you can expect the area to be red, It could bruise or itch.

Results can be seen as early at 30 days, but 90 days is when full results will be realized.



CoolSculpting Freezes & Eliminates Stubborn Fat

Freeze away fat? It comes down to science. Fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than surrounding tissues. CoolSculpting technology enables us to precisely target fat cells beneath the skin, and cool them to temperatures that trigger their natural death. This process, known as Cryolipolysis®, results in the treated fat cells becoming crystallized (frozen), and actually die. Because however the fats crystallize faster than normal cells, there is no damage to skin, nerves or other surrounding tissue.

Over time as the treated fat cells shrink and die, your body naturally metabolizes them, eliminating these dead cells, and leaving a more sculpted you. Unlike with diet or exercise where the fat cells are reduced in size, with CoolSculpting, once the treated fat cells are gone, they're gone for good.

With each session you are able to decrease the number of treated fat cell by about 20%. Each additional treatment further enhances your results, ridding you of an additional 20% of the treated fat cells per session. With CoolSculpting at The Moore Center, it’s easy to sit back, relax and reduce that stubborn fat.


Fat Freezing During the CoolSculpting Procedure

Many of us have stubborn fat despite diet and exercise.

CoolSculpting technology uses controlled cooling to target and kill only these fat cells.

In the weeks to follow, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates dead cells.

CoolSculpting results are long term,* because treated fat cells are gone for good.


Fat Elimination CONTINUES After the CoolSculpting Procedure

Fat cells that are frozen during the CoolSculpting procedure gradually die off and leave the body through the body’s natural elimination process. That’s why the results are long-term. The fat is gone for good! Untreated areas will have no change in fat cell distribution.



Some diets and fat-reduction treatments can leave you swinging back and forth between "before" and "after" versions of yourself. CoolSculpting results speak for themselves. You can see the dramatic differences, again and again, in these Before & After photos.

My CoolSculpting procedure to my abdomen has been life-changing. It did not hurt and I even fell asleep. Now, a few months later my clothes fit better, I feel more confident, and I’m looking forward to swim-season. Libby & Susan have become my CoolSculpting support family over the past few months. I sincerely recommend this life-changing procedure and these specialists.
— Kim K

Ready for Your Own
Before & After Results?

The CoolSculpting procedure can help both women and men get rid of those stubborn bulges, for good. Take the next step to a slimmer you.
